In this section you will learn how to create your own boilerplate with Hapify.
You can start a boilerplate from scratch or use a pre-existing boilerplate.
This section focuses on writing templates code. Since Hapify is an agnostic framework engine and is not limited to a specific framework, we will not focus on the boilerplate structure itself. We will look at some common template examples.
If your boilerplate uses npm
or yarn
as a package manager,
you can add the CLI
as a development dependency: npm install --save-dev @hapify/cli
Also add a script in package.json
: "hpf": "hpf"
This way you can define a version of Hapify for your boilerplate and use it with npm run hpf
Template engines
Hapify offers three template engines. A boilerplate can use several engines simultaneously.
These engines have access to the model object. This object, injected into the templates, makes the data model and all its properties and relationships explicit, so that they are easily accessible within the template.
Hapify template engine
This syntax is optimized to play with the model object and its properties using short words. This allows you to handle complex ideas with simple sentences.
This syntax has two variants:
- long : easy to read
- short : based on abbreviations
Both variants can be used in the same template.
This loop in JavaScript:
for (let f of model.fields.list.filter(f => f.searchable && f.type === 'entity')) {
out += 'Field name: ' + f.names.camel;
Will be written like this with the Hapify syntax:
<<for Fields searchable and entity f>>
Field name: <<f camel>>
<<@ F se*tE f>>
Field name: <<f aA>>
- An easy-to-read meta-code
- A shorter meta-code, making the target code more readable
- Even shorter with the short variant
- Another syntax to learn, although it is simple
- The syntax may not handle specific conditions
EJS engine
You can use EJS as a template engine.
All EJS features are available, except the include
This feature is intentionally disabled so that templates do not have access to your file system.
This loop in JavaScript:
for (let f of model.fields.list.filter(f => f.searchable) {
out += 'Field name: ' + f.names.camel;
Will be written like this with EJS:
<% for (let f of model.fields.list.filter(f => f.searchable) { %>
Field name: <%= f.names.camel %>
<% } %>
- A well-known template engine
- Handles complex conditions and interpolation properly
- More flexibility
- Long meta-code, making the target code less readable
JavaScript engine
You can write templates in pure JavaScript.
This engine is very useful to generate JSON files.
const output = => model.names.snake);
return JSON.stringify(output, null, 2);
const property = (field) => `private ${field.names.camel};`;
return `class ${model.names.pascal} {
${'\n ')}
- Powerful when generating configuration files such as JSON
- Very flexible
- It is hard to differentiate the meta-code from the target code