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Step 1: New channel

Channel vs boilerplate ?

A channel is a set of templates. Most boilerplates have only one channel. However, a full-stack boilerplate can contain two channels, one for front-end templates and one for back-end templates.

Run the command init.

Create a new folder for your project and go to that folder:

mkdir my-project && cd my-project


You can also start a channel in a pre-existing boilerplate.

Use the command init to initialize a channel in this folder.

hpf init

Create a project

You must create a new project in order to create a new channel. When prompted, enter the name and description.

? Enter a project name First project
? Enter a project description My first project with Hapify

Create the channel

Once the project is defined, enter the channel details.

? Enter the channel name Typescript Backend
? Enter a description API for my app
? Enter a logo URL
✓ Initialized a channel in /Users/edouard/workspace/hapify/my-project.
Run hpf use to connect a remote project (optional)

Here is the hierarchy of the created files:

├── .hapify
|  ├── models
|  |  └── __kebab__
|  |     └── hello.js.hpf
|  └── validator.js
├── hapify-models.json
└── hapify.json

hapify.json is the configuration file. It contains the channel metadata and the list of templates.

The hapify-models.json file contains the data models for your project. It is referenced by the configuration file (hapify.json). You can move or rename this file as long as you change the path in the configuration file.

The .hapify folder (can also be named hapify) contains all the channel templates.